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Quality? Spot-Check only. (Read 3588 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3267

Quality? Spot-Check only.
Oct 1st, 2014, 3:26pm
As Broadcast TV moves from Tape delivery to file transfer, Frederick Botham (on behalf of "The BBC College Of Technology") has posted a guide to programme-makers.

"......the television industry is currently gearing up for a big change in the way programmes are delivered to broadcasters. For many producers, tape was previously the only way of delivering a TV programme. However, as most productions are now shot and edited digitally, it is clear that programmes need to make the transition to digital delivery......  "

Regarding the thorny subject of 'Quality'... the web-page goes on..

"One of file delivery’s big headlines for producers is a reconfiguring of the ‘quality control’ (QC) process. A final quality control check needs to be carried out before the programme is delivered to make sure it is editorially and technically ready to go to air.

As broadcasters will only be carrying out spot checks, the ultimate responsibility for sign-off lies with the producer. "

The web-site concerned is here, where it contains links to various sources of further information and guidance.

Producers are are advised that:- "Metadata and the AS-11 DPP file needs to wrap the programme before broadcast".

(But can you actually hear what's being said, and see who is saying it?)
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