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Expat PPV? (Read 8119 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3264

Expat PPV?
Jun 3rd, 2014, 2:17pm
"The Thick of It" creator Armando Iannucci has joined those calling on the BBC to axe the licence fee in favour of subscription and pay for homegrown programmes by "ruthlessly" selling itself abroad.

""Having lived abroad, I know many people (expats and locals) who would pay to access the BBC abroad (iPlayer PPV access).""

The Guardian Article may be found here.
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The Administrator.
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Posts: 174

Re: Expat PPV?
Reply #1 - Jun 3rd, 2014, 2:36pm
I have made this suggestion:-

As so many British Ex-pats in Europe have installations pointing at Astra 28.2šEast, and who can receive the southern (pan-european) beam, why couldn't BBC Worldwide create a package within the SKY encryption system (so that existing SKY boxes could de-crypt the channels), that gave access to (say) BBC News Channel and at least one other UK channel. (BBC ONE and BBC TWO combined).

These versions of BBC News Channel and BBC TV Europe would be different to the transponders carrying BBC News Channel on 'SKY 503" or "Freesat 200" and the usual BBC channels, in that they could carry advertisements! When BBC News do a trail, BBC News Europe could replace the trail with an advertisement.

Would it be possible to create at least a single "BBC Europe TV" containing predominantly BBC copyright-owned material?

Most of Europe now sees SKY News as representing the UK. as this is the only British news channel they can receive.
Surely, now is the time for a "BBC TV Europe" package?

There once was "BBC Prime" which was generally considered to be a dreadful miss-mash of ancient repeats,which were then repeated three times a week at different times. Even the experts on BBC Prime's "Antiques Roadshow" programmes were doing valuations in "Groats".

A BBC TV Europe carrying 'live' BBC home-grown programmes would surely find a market now that it is even harder to receive UK TV abroad.
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Howard G
Junior Member

Posts: 73

Re: Expat PPV?
Reply #2 - Jun 4th, 2014, 6:00am
Try  www.giniko.com

Works 100% here in Cape Town
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