Not sure if I shouldn't say 'you're the latecomer' Jon - as I've been on this forum for a few years now!!
But yes, TO.27 does indeed pre-date me - not by much, 'cos at that stage Auntie was trying to get lots of youngsters into the business, and there were several intakes in relatively close succession.
I - being John Westbury - spent most of my formative years on D Shift (under Jim Howarth, with some period of Frank 'Dear Boy' Barron as ATOM, then with Robbie Roberts who eventually became my TOM - with the likes of Roy Clifford, Pete Mirams and so forth as mentors. Cliff Sykes, George Speller, Russell H and Pete Newbury were all from at least one intake prior to mine (there were over 20 new TOs brought into LCR in '68) and although I think I was one of the last 'fully qualified' TOs to leave LCR (I do know that Alan Short was probably the very longest serving, as he worked a good 3 years into his official retirement, and that there are at least 2 ex-TOs still working as engineers even today!) I didn't spend too many years actually in LCR itself as I worked for a long period (75-79) doing stereo cartridge work for Network Radio, and then had 3 years in Radio 2, returning to LCR in 1982 where I remained up until LCR (and TOs) were 're-branded' in 1989 - at that stage I was re-trained as an Engineer (in 1990) and left LCR as one of its two Managers, when I went over to TVC as a System Specialist and set up the News/Radio studios over there for 5 Live, etc. [The News studios are still in use although 5Live and Sport have moved up to Salford.]
Fearing this epistle may become a very long one (with a pretty full list of names!) I suggest we drop it off here, and endeavour to communicate in a more appropriate form - many of the readers here will be entirely unfamiliar with these names, and it'll mean nowt to most of them. Having said that I do know there are a few "ol' timers" lurking who may just catch this - Dick Oldman for one is/was a member!! But there is a general unawareness of this forum by many/most ex-BBC folk (from the number on staffers I've told about it!) so it may not be regularly checked!
P.S. You probably forgot the likes of Mary Ivemy, Sue Lawrence, Di Hill, Lyn Bower, Bridget Whittaker and then there was Mavis (Mathews) - notice how I remember all the women!) besides Ted Atkinson, Johnnie Bradburn (not Bradshaw!) and George Mowlam as the other TOMs of the day. [Incidentally, Algy's ex-wife posted on this forum a couple of years back now. Algy's still around, and I'm told meets with a group of those ex-TOs who were made redundant in 1990 - Pete Davies (aka Penge) John Herbert, Vic Lewis and Gerry Chalkley amongst them.] I suppose you'd remember many of the ex-TOs who moved across into SM-ing: Dusty Miller, Mike Benson, Richard Hill, as well as folk such as Mel House, Dave Atkey, etc.
I'm still in contact with many of the 'elder statesmen' of LCR (including Tony Giles, who took over from Tony Nelson for TO Training 'on station' when AWBN went over to TSR - with Ken Tink and several other names I occasionally drag up!). I think the eldest 'member of LCR' (that I know of) IS still Frank Crombie who must be in his 80's now, but he wasn't on B Shift (having come down from Manchester, saying "he wouldn't pay the buggers in brass washers!"). Then of course there was Eric Kershaw, Frank Mines, Colin Johnstone, to name but a few!! Remember the likes of Mike Davies? {john.westbury[@] should you wish to take this further off forum!}