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BBC revives Waterloo Road. (Read 1195 times)
Dickie Mint
Senior Member

Posts: 260
Solihull, West Midlands
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BBC revives Waterloo Road.
Sep 23rd, 2021, 12:42pm
Remember Network Production Centres? Shut down by London mandarins because they didn't like productions made outside London being popular?
Well the beeb now has a new 'commitment to make more programmes across the UK'. The wheel comes around? At the huge cost, for example, of moving out of Pebble Mill into the Mailbox.
Well, Holby City got axed. Why? As part of its 'Across The UK' push. i.e. Network Production Centres, but without the building or BBC staff.

This I gleaned from the Media Centre statement today that 'Waterloo Road' is to be revived in the Holby slot.
Media Centre news here
The revival of Waterloo Road will boost drama production skills in the North of England and help to reshape the BBC's drama slate to better reflect, represent and serve all parts of the country. The series will provide a training ground for new and diverse writers, which is of significant importance to both the BBC and Cameron Roach. Roach is renowned for his passion for long-running drama series and the power they have to develop and encourage emerging talent.
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