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Technical Stores Tvc (Read 3107 times)
chris highton
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 8

Technical Stores Tvc
Feb 18th, 2019, 1:02pm
Love to hear from anyone who worked at the Tech Stores at TVC, I was there from 1978 or 79, before I went into BBC local Radio in 1983. Brian Ellis, Doug Conway, Peggy, John Smith and Pip are names I remember they were such characters.Part of the job was issuing mics to the sound crews on the ground floor and working at Lime Grive Tech Store and HSE store.So many talented Tech Ops, TAs and engineers used the stores to build and repair stuff and make the shows.As a former BH Tech Op it was interesting to be on the “other side” for those fun years there.
Also Jack Sudic from Tv Sound who ran theBBC Jazz club and talked me into being the treasurer.
Great Personnel officer too  Cheesy Cheesywho helped me into my dream job on the airwaves Alistair Currie.
Many thanks
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« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2019, 2:18pm by chris highton »  
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Bill Jenkin
Junior Member

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Re: Technical Stores Tvc
Reply #1 - Feb 20th, 2019, 8:27am
Chris - I have sent you a PM.
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