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Posts: 147
London W11
I have recently been approached by a Publishing Company who having seen my articles in the Best of British magazine would like me to put a book together.
TALES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE (working title) Behind the Scenes of BBC TV
The book would be 144 pages, 4 colour images throughout (unless the originals are black and white of course!)
I need considerably more input from ex BBC Staff ranging from the early years when TV sets were a novelty in our homes, up until the early 1990s, when the Establishment System was discontinued in favour of outsourcing.
Believe it or not we have between us a wealth of interesting, funny, unique stories to tell, from an era when the BBC was renowned world wide for its standards of well-crafted excellence. Photos would be a bonus. Have a look at your albums, you’ll be surprised how the images will jog your memories. We can help with the actual writing, we just need the facts.
Stories about well known programmes like Dr Who, Dad’s Army, Only Fools and Horses would be ideal, but let us not forget Light Entertainment Shows, Children’s TV. and Drama Series like Colditz, Smiley’s People, Duchess of Duke Street.
This proposal need not be limited to just programme-making. The running of the Organisation was key so any reminiscences from Design, Lighting, Costume , Make up, Scene crew, Construction, Cast, Internal Post, Catering, Firemen, Commissionaires, Drivers and so on would also be very welcome.
I have a meeting with the Editor at the end of September so speedy acknowledgement essential please. All contributions will be credited unless requested otherwise.
Please spread the word. Best wishes Les
m:07940280268 em: 144 Woodland Gdns Isleworth, Middx