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Memories of TV Tech ops. (Read 7508 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3267

Memories of TV Tech ops.
Aug 25th, 2014, 4:31pm
This is courtesy of:-  
Bernie and his tech-ops site, here, and hard work by Alec Bray.

This is a collection of many contributor's memories of working in TV Studios Technical Operations.

Although a 'work in progress' it contains a treasure-trove of real memories of TV Technical Operations, amalgamated into different categories.

Who could forget "Ambiophany"? (Admin:-"Me", and I was there!")

If you have more recollections to add to this very important collection, then please contact Bernie at:-


There is more to come, but please add anything that you can remember of 'The Golden Years' of BBC TV, could be very important.
Whether it be
the colour of the cables you were using,
the shape of the monitor,
how the camera was adjusted, or
which studio you were using for "Nationwide", "Grandstand", "24 Hours", "Britain At Six", "Sportsnight With Coleman"...

Whatever you submit, it could be part of UK TV history and should be treasured, remembered and shared.  Bernie is waiting for your added memories.

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The Administrator.
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3267

Re: Memories of TV Tech ops.
Reply #1 - Feb 12th, 2015, 2:07pm
The latest collection of TV tech-ops memories has now been collated by Alec Bray and published on Bernie's site.

It can now be viewed on the tech-ops web-site here.

The contents vary from costume department's malfunctions, to working on (or viewing) Churchill's funeral.

Well worth a read in all sections, and contributions will be welcomed for future "editions".
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The Administrator.
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