I certainly remember Algy very well!
I used to work with him in LCR, and enjoyed his company for many a year - from '68 onwards! He really loved to "ferkle" and "go QFO" I seem to remember!
Confess I've not heard from (or about) him for almost 20 years, when (if I remember correctly) he was made redundant in/around 1990 at the point when LCR was last re-built (and re-manned by Engineers) and the [dreaded] computers were being installed.
I am (still) in the UK, although I too have now left the bosom of my Auntie.
You may remember a colleague or two - Tony Giles, Richard (Dick) Oldman, Barry Ainsworth, Peter Mirams, Dick Chinchen, Dusty Miller, Alan Short (possibly), all still going "strong".
An ex-colleague of mine (Dave Gill) left the Beeb, joined BFBS around 2001 and was to become one of their senior men on Cyprus.
Sadly I haven't heard from him either!! [Was it something I said?]