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"The NDO" (Northern Dance Orchestra) (Read 9742 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3264

"The NDO" (Northern Dance Orchestra)
Feb 10th, 2011, 1:21pm
Manchester Light Entertainment!

For those with fond memories of either "The NDO" or "The Hulme Hip", there is a new web-site up-and-running with photographs and reminiscences.

The BBC Northern Dance Orchestra provided hours of music for the BBC.


Any further contributions to the site are very welcome.

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The Administrator.
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3264

Re: "The NDO" (Northern Dance Orchestra)
Reply #1 - May 21st, 2011, 5:24pm
The organisers of the NDO web-site are compiling a CD of some of the highlights of the band.


They are appealing for more contributions from any members of staff who have any NDO-related material.

If you have any recordings on "W" reels (or in any format!), they would be glad to hear from you.

Once completed, the CD will be sold (in limited numbers), with proceeds going to the
Nordoff Robbins music therapy charity.

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