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Is the PPM dead? (Read 4927 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3264

Is the PPM dead?
Dec 6th, 2010, 5:01pm

The introduction to this weighty document says:-

The EBU has studied the needs of audio signal levels in production, distribution and transmission of broadcast programmes. It is of the opinion that an audio-levelling paradigm is needed based on loudness measurement.
In addition to the average loudness of a programme (‘Programme Loudness’) the EBU recommends that the descriptors ‘Loudness Range’ and ‘Maximum True Peak Level’ be used for the normalisation of audio signals, and to comply with the technical limits of the complete signal chain as well as the aesthetic needs of each programme/station depending on the genre(s) and the target audience.

Please read on...

So there you have it. Problem solved.
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