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1   / Ex-pats / Re: Lets hear more from BBC ex Pats!!
 on: Jul 25th, 2024, 9:11pm 
Started by bearsie - Ex Member | Post by Tom_H  
Hello, Tom Hidderley here. I joined the BBC in Bush House in 1964 as a TechOp. I was assigned to TO course #22 in 1965 and returned to LCR as a TO. We were converted to SMs in 1967 and I left in 1970 for the Anglo American film unit in Zambia on a five year contract. I moved to Toronto Canada in 1975 and have been freelancing here ever since. I finally retired in 2017 and am enjoying life, as an expat, here in London Ontario.

2   / For Those Of Sound Mind / Re: Audio / Sound / Control Room / Outside Broadcasts?
 on: Jul 25th, 2024, 8:47pm 
Started by Administrator | Post by Tom_H  
Hello, I was a Tech Op on TO22 in 1965 and joined BH London.
I parlayed my world-class training at the BBC into a freelance recording career and ended up in Canada where I am now retired. I'd love to hear from anyone on TO22 and was trying to contact a lecturer at the time Chris Daubney.

3   / News and Comment / 500 Jobs to go.
 on: Jul 25th, 2024, 7:48am 
Started by Administrator | Post by Administrator  
According to this Press Gazette report by Charlotte Tobitt,

"BBC to cut 500 more jobs as revenue falls 6% to £5.4bn
BBC says it is facing "serious pressure" on its finances.

The BBC is planning to cut a further 500 jobs by March 2026 and has opened a round of voluntary redundancies amid “serious pressure” on its finances."

4   / News and Comment / Re: Many cancelled Licence fees
 on: Jul 24th, 2024, 11:12am 
Started by Administrator | Post by JohnW  
I wonder just how many of them are still watching BBC channels!!

Roughly £83million of a loss to the Corporation - which isn't really sustainable in the longer term.

5   / News and Comment / Many cancelled Licence fees
 on: Jul 23rd, 2024, 11:25am 
Started by Administrator | Post by Administrator  
According to this Guardian Report on the state of the BBC's Annual Report......

"Half a million households cancelled BBC licence fee last year"

6   / Pensions / Re: BBC loses in court hearing - again.
 on: Jul 13th, 2024, 10:53am 
Started by Ian Pollock | Post by DMCP  
FWIW, PM says he wants to keep tv licence until at least 2032.

7   / Pensions / BBC loses in court hearing - again.
 on: Jul 12th, 2024, 9:07pm 
Started by Ian Pollock | Post by Ian Pollock  
The BBC has again lost in its attempt to play jiggery-pokery with the rules of the BBC pension scheme. You may recall that last year it went to the High Court for permission to alter the meaning of the rule that protects the scheme and its members from being altered, to their disadvantage, by the BBC. The BBC said it would appeal and it did so last month. Its arguments were simply a straightforward rehash of last year's ones. But with remarkable swiftness - in just 12 days - the three Appeal Court judges handed down their judgement (published on Tuesday here: https://caselaw.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ewca/civ/2024/767) in which they smacked the BBC right out of the ground. They supported entirely the judgement of the original High Court judge and provided a comprehensive rebuttal of the arguments put forward this second time around by the BBC's KC.  So, for the time being, things stay as they are for active members. The BBC is prevented from doing things like reducing the accrual rate, at which future pension is built up, or imposing higher contribution rates on those members. The BBC issued a rather churlish statement to staff saying it would not pursue its legal arguments any further but threatened to do something unspecified to their pension arrangements anyway. I suspect the BBC will simply close the scheme entirely. It has been closed to new joiners for more than a decade now, and the BBC could simply close it to further accrual. As a former elected trustee myself, I thought the attitude of the current trustees to the recent court hearings was remarkably relaxed. They took part more or less as a neutral observer rather than as any sort of defender of the members' interests. For its part, the BBC Pensioners Association wasn't interested at all, believing that any changes could have no effect on the security of pensions already in payment. We may be about to find out of that is true or not.

8   / Pensions / Re: PENSION DATA breach - latest from BBC Alumni site
 on: Jul 3rd, 2024, 5:38pm 
Started by Maggie | Post by JohnW  
For anyone who hasn't seen the BBC Alumni response to this matter ...

"The BBC’s Information Security Team alerted us to a data security incident, in which some files containing personal information of some BBC Pension Scheme members were copied from a cloud-based storage service.
The files include some Pension Scheme members’ personal information - including details such as Names, National Insurance numbers, Dates of Birth and home addresses.

It is important to note that this information did not contain ...
    any telephone numbers,
    email addresses,
    bank details,
    financial information,
    usernames or passwords

The breach did not involve the BBC Pension Scheme website, or its member portal myPension Online, or the 'existence checking service' myPensionID.

It is also important to note that analysis undertaken by our Specialist Teams currently shows no evidence that the files affected have been misused."

9   / Notices, obituaries and tributes / Vincent Duggleby
 on: Jun 30th, 2024, 4:48pm 
Started by RSx | Post by RSx  
Charles Vincent Anstey Duggleby MBE (born 23 January 1939) has died.
Touching piece on Bill Rogers' blog here: https://tradingaswdr.blogspot.com/2024/06/vincent-duggleby.html

10   / Notices, obituaries and tributes / Re: Sue Wilson (Radio SM)
 on: Jun 29th, 2024, 12:27am 
Started by JohnW | Post by JohnW  
The date for Sue Wilson’s funeral has been set for Friday, 19th July, at 2.00pm - at SW Middlesex Crematorium.