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The BBC Annual Plan (Read 913 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3267

The BBC Annual Plan
Mar 30th, 2023, 11:27am
Here is the BBC Annual Plan 2023 to 2024:-

"The BBC has today published its Annual Plan for 2023/24 which commits to providing a wealth of programming and services for all audiences across the UK.

The publication confirms the BBC maintains its position as the UK’s number one brand for media, used by nine out of ten adults, and that UK audiences spend more time watching BBC TV and iPlayer than Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video combined.

Last year, the BBC spent more on, and commissioned more hours of, UK originated TV content than any other organisation.

The plan reasserts our strategic priorities of impartiality, high-impact content, more from online, and building the BBC’s commercial income. It also sets out our plans to continue to transform the organisation in response to changing audience behaviour while delivering savings in a tough financial climate.

Highlights for 2023/24 include:

Opening up more of our workings to make BBC News the most transparent newsroom in the world, building trust and impartiality
Bringing the nation and audiences around the world together in May for The Coronation of The King and The Queen Consort and Eurovision 2023, unique high-impact content that only the BBC can do
Accelerating the pace of change across our online services with an additional £50m investment per year by 2025/26
Delivering the first year of BBC Studios’ ambitious five-year growth plan, with the aim to grow commercial income in the long-term
Implementing the next phase of our Across the UK strategy, with new programmes portraying life across the country and reflecting its different communities, experiences and stories"

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