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A new way to listen....with drawbacks (Read 4402 times)
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A new way to listen....with drawbacks
Apr 12th, 2019, 4:52pm
Having recently been declared partially deaf I am now equipped with posh hearing aids that connect direct to the telly with bluetooth technology. It's great.....BUT....sadly it only highlights the problems of music drowning out speech or adding nothing to the visual content.  I just wish every programme producer was made to wear these things to hear just how bad it is for us oldies. Today's edition of the delightful "Escape to the Country" was ruined by continuous and repetitive jangling that had nothing to do with suspense, mood or colouration. Totally unnecessary. But I guess that's what the whizz kids think about US!
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Re: A new way to listen....with drawbacks
Reply #1 - Apr 12th, 2019, 5:24pm
I would like to know... who actually listens to the programme.. pre transmission.. and where are they located?

Do they have the 'engineering' clout to say "This programme is NOT fit for broadcast".

If there is a member of Transmission Staff listening TO the programme, what sort of equipment do they use?

What planet are they on?

Who edits the programmes, do they monitor on ear-buds? IF they edit with the script in front of them, then they have an unfair advantage over the rest of us 'mere mortals'.

I do not need to have music 'hype' the tension. I do not need thumping bass to say 'hurry up ....this is exciting'.

I too, have a hearing problem, I have a decent audio set-up and when a tranmission is in Dolby 5.1 then the dialogue is a waste of time...

Just because a producer and audio department CAN do something, it doesn't mean they have to.

A classic event some time ago:-


"Listen to the whales calling each other"...
except we couldn't as there was intrusive music all over the 'specially created sound'.

Can we have an audio track WITHOUT The M&E?

(Music and effects).

A message to all production staff involved in audio post production...

Keep it simple,
Keep it audible.
Don't drown the script.

When we can't hear the words, we turn the TV off or change channels.

Is anyone out there listening to us (for a change)?
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Posts: 214

Re: A new way to listen....with drawbacks
Reply #2 - Apr 13th, 2019, 9:51am
After all the complaints over the many years it seems that the BBC is in complete denial about audio mixing and balance challenges and of course the idea of someone technical actually monitoring the output is financially laughable to the accountants running the show. Also the atmosphere and social acceptability surrounding production make me feel that anyone over the age of thirty with or without hearing problems is out of the equation. I tried to watch the Boat Race coverage and from the outset, two hours before the off, I was audibly assailed with a continuous cacophony of disco music, yelled commentaries and 'experts' at such a fever pitch I just had to switch off and wait for the actual start of the race at 3.15. But of course, it doesn't matter if we oldies or afflicted switch off it's what the 'yoof' population thinks that counts isn't it!
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