A number of his former colleagues have asked me to report the death of John Jarvie, a long-serving BBC engineer.
A long career in the BBC started with a spell at Norwich and took him on to become Head of Studio Capital Projects – involving him in the creation of a number of new local radio station buildings - and later engineering general manager at TV Centre.
John's funeral will held at the Seafield Crematorium (Seafield Road, Edinburgh EH6 7LD,
on November 16th at 2 pm and afterwards at the Leith branch of the Scottish Malt Whisky Society.
Jim (John's son) has just sent me the link below for the crematorium webcast should want to be part of the ceremony online, either at the time or up to a week afterwards:
Crematorium webcast:
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Jim also says:
'Folk are asking about flowers / donations. Our preference would be a donation to the wonderful Edington Hospital, which looked after Dad so well in his final hours. The link to the site can be found through this link -