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TV Centre- before & after? (Read 3747 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3264

TV Centre- before & after?
Jun 29th, 2016, 1:46pm
Martin Kempton, in his excellent web-site "An incomplete history of London's television studios", has a large section devoted to The BBC Television Centre.
The site is an excellent source of facts and figures to do with the iconic, and much-loved building.

The section devoted to Television Centre is here.

Martin's site covers as many London studios as possible, from ITV's studios, to Film studios, and to those operated by independent companies.

Martin is keen to hear from anyone with comments, corrections or anything to do with London's Television Studios. His email address is on the web-site.
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« Last Edit: Jun 29th, 2016, 3:15pm by Administrator »  

The Administrator.
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