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Pensions increase 2011 (Read 3670 times)
Roy Corlett
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 10

Pensions increase 2011
Mar 17th, 2011, 11:19am
Just spotted on the penions website

Pension increase 2011

This year's pension increase for Old and New Benefits members of the Scheme is 4.8% with Career Average Benefits increasing by 2.5%.

The basis used for calculating annual increases under the rules of the Scheme is the rise in the Retail Prices Index (RPI) for the calendar year ending 31 December.

The figure for December 2010 was 4.8% and Old and New Benefits pensions will be increased by this amount, Career Average Benefits pensions will be increased in line with the maximum allowed under the Scheme rules of 2.5%. All the increases will be with effect from 1 April 2011.

Pensioners will receive a letter at the end of March confirming the details of the increase. The increase will be reflected in your April pension payment.

The Trustees and the BBC have also agreed that the revaluation of benefits for active members of the Career Average Benefits section will be 2.5% for the year ending 31 March

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