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December inflation figures (Read 12326 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3267

December inflation figures
Jan 18th, 2011, 12:24pm
These show that RPI (Retail Prices Index)  for year ended December 31st was up by 4.8 per cent.  The December RPI figure has been the basis of BBC Pensioners' increases in the past.

CPI (Consumer Prices Index) was up 3.7 per cent on the year.   As "Knocking On" pointed out in a previous post  the Government has announced that it will use the CPI to determine pension increases in public sector schemes, from April this year.

Does anyone know whether the BBC has any plans to switch to CPI?

Perhaps the Pensioner Representative on the trustees could offer some insight?  Does anyone have any communication with him?

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The Administrator.
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: December inflation figures
Reply #1 - Jan 18th, 2011, 12:25pm
Here is the official announcement giving details of the inflation figures.
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The Administrator.
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3267

Re: December inflation figures
Reply #2 - Jan 18th, 2011, 6:45pm
In the latest BBC Pensioners' Association newsletter Alan Bilyard and Tom
Rivers write:

"The BBC as the sponsoring employer would certainly like it if
pension uprating for BBC pensioners was calculated by reference to the CPI
rather than the RPI. It already intends to apply CPI indexation to the new
defined contribution pension for future pensioners. ...That means pensions
in payment and the entitlement of deferred pensioners will be calculated
for 2011 by reference to the December 2010 RPI figure as in previous years."
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The Administrator.
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Re: December inflation figures
Reply #3 - Jan 19th, 2011, 6:55am
I wonder what the legal posiion is for existing pensioners is. Could this also be "forced" onto them?
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 3267

Re: December inflation figures
Reply #4 - Jan 19th, 2011, 6:06pm
A Pension Co-ordinator at the Pensions and Benefits Centre in Cardiff sent this today:

"The Scheme Rules state that pension increases will be based on RPI. There are no plans to change this at present."
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The Administrator.
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Knocking On
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Re: December inflation figures
Reply #5 - Jan 20th, 2011, 2:05pm
At least we can rest slightly easier regarding the coming rise. Although the quote from Pensions using the words "At present" obviously doesn't rule out changes in the future.
Thank you however for getting someone in authority to say something.
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