Forum for former BBC staff
>> Notices, obituaries and tributes >> Geoff Feld

Message started by JohnB on Mar 13th, 2023, 10:38am

Title: Geoff Feld
Post by JohnB on Mar 13th, 2023, 10:38am

Garth Tucker and I are compiling an obituary for Geoff Feld, and we would really appreciate anecdotes and memories that made Geoff the person we all loved. Some have already posted or texted but feel free to expand on these. This would be primarily for Prospero but there may be other options too such as various media outlets. Suggestions welcome. If there are sufficient, we could compile them into a Remembrance Book for the family.
Photographs too would really help. Any format. There are quite a few available, we know, on the Tech Ops website but they tend to be without any commentary.
Please send them to  
Looking forward to all contributions.
Garth and JohnB

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