Forum for former BBC staff
>> History >> New book: 1971 the secret diary of a BBC secretary

Message started by Sarah_S on Feb 15th, 2015, 3:48pm

Title: New book: 1971 the secret diary of a BBC secretary
Post by Sarah_S on Feb 15th, 2015, 3:48pm

I'm new to the Forum so hello everyone.  Sorry my first post is a plug, but I hope to get on to other topics too.
Anyone who worked in the BH area, particularly in the Langham, might be interested to know that I have published my diary for 1971.  At the time I was a junior secretary at the Schools Broadcasting Council in an office on the 6th floor of the Langham, so there is a lot in it about the people working there, and about a strange relationship I got involved in ... anyway, the book is available online from, or for more info please see  
BTW I was surprised that it was so difficult to find a photo of the Langham from the 1970s, fortunately I had taken one myself in '71!  What an amazing place it was.

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