Forum for former BBC staff
>> Pensions >> BBC Pension records

Message started by PatrickH on Aug 29th, 2012, 6:26pm

Title: BBC Pension records
Post by PatrickH on Aug 29th, 2012, 6:26pm

As a new member to this forum, I should like to advise ex-BBC staff if they have left their pensions in the scheme.
I left in 1968, but on the basis of maybe re-joining the Corporation, decided to leave my pension in.
Later, having made a successful career in the Feature Film industry, this was not envisaged, so my brokers suggested that I move my BBC pension to a new provider. Sent series of questions as to value etc.
After six months, their reply: " As you had left before the details were transferred to computer, we have NO record of your pension"!
Fortunately, I had kept all correspondence relating to this matter, and after sending in photocopies, somehow, the pension was
Moved it to the Prudential!
Pat Heigham

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